
ALS Automatic Logistic Solutions GmbH - D-82031 Grünwald-Munich - Josef-Kogler-Str. 8+49 89 548446-0 -
ALS Automatic Logistic Solutions GmbH - D-82031 Grünwald-Munich - Josef-Kogler-Str. 8+49 89 548446-0 -

Parcel opener TOM automatic parcel opener

Professional opinions on the ALS Parcel Openers

„der Paket-Öffner BOS ist die am besten funktionierende Maschine in unserer Logistik“
Logistikleiter von einem der größten Sneakers-Händler Europas
"this is the best investment we have ever made"
Returns manager of a sporting goods distributor
The operation is quite simple, our staff is very satisfied, and the feeling of confidence is gradually established.
Project manager of a French client, after 14 days with a ROC system
" ... Their machine BOS is the one with which we have the least problems."
Head of technology of an e-commerce company

TOM for incoming goods

The complete TOM Parcel Opener system for the returns department

The TOM (Tape-Only-Method) automatic package opener is specially designed for cartons that are only sealed lengthwise in the middle with adhesive tape, which is also only to be cut lengthwise. Ideal for use in the returns department.


The TOM package opener system can open packages from 160 x 140 x 100 mm (LxWxH) quickly and efficiently with a multiple blade on the top side without damaging the products inside. TOM can be used for carton sizes up to a maximum of 800 x 600 x 500 mm.

TOM can be supplied in three variants:

Version M - for one carton size: the carton width and height are adjusted manually via cranks

Version H - for cartons with a base area and different heights: the carton width is set manually, a height query positions the cutter head to variable heights

Version HW - for chaotic processing: carton width and height are measured for each carton and the guide width and cutter head height are positioned accordingly



TOM knife head

The cutter head of the carton opener TOM for the incoming goods and returns department

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